Research & Publications


India’s self-sufficiency policies for pulses and their implications for Myanmar. IFPRI Policy Brief March 2022. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). (2022)

Understanding the rapid price increase of vegetable oils. Myanmar SSP Research Note 77. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). (2022)

Conference papers

Myanmar’s experiment with trade in live cattle with China:  breakthrough, collapse and resuscitation? A project of the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). Torino World Affairs Institute. ISBN: 9788894080346. (2022)

Secondary Migration of Burmese Refugees in the United States: Positive Indicators for Refugee Integration. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 19th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. (2022).

Policy Research for the Government of Myanmar 

A condition for the success of contract farming in Myanmar: a review of policy and practices. (2021).

Evaluation of National Community Driven Development Project in Myanmar. (2020).

Pulses value chain analysis in Myanmar. (2019).

Myanmar's national innovation landscape: a policy perspective. (2019).

Evaluation of Myanmar Agricultural Development Bank loan policy. (2019).


Population of Chin Refugees Cannot Be Ignored - Interview with Chinland Guardian. (2016).